Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Election 2008

Last night Clay and I went down to Rockefeller Center to visit the "Election Plaza" before heading home to watch the returns. As people who watched MSNBC will know they were running streamers up the building to indicate the number of electoral votes for each candidate. There were also giant screens on either side of the building showing MSNBC and NBC so we were able to watch the 7:00 states come in. It was fun, but I prefer watching the bulk of the returns in my pajamas at home.

NBC's Election Plaza at Rockefeller Center

The Skating Rink Map

Keith on the big screen!

Vermont for Obama and Kentucky for McCain


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you went. What a moment in history! Your pictures added perspective that was lacking on TV.

UB said...

Grndma read from top to bottom. Very nice, how does she do that?