Friday, October 03, 2008

Ballpark in Arlington

One of my pictures from our trip to Dallas last spring is being used on the Schmap guide to Fort Worth. This is entirely thanks to Stephen who uploaded the picture to his Flickr account and generally did all of the work. It's kind of silly, but it really makes me happy.

To see it click here and mouse over the "Ballpark in Arlington" entry. You'll have to use the arrows to scroll through the pictures until you see the one below.


Anonymous said...

Extremely cool!

Stephen Paul Webb said...


If you look at the other link in the email I forwarded you - I think you're displayed on the iPhone page example quite prominently!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you've been published! Now others can admire your fantastic work!

Anonymous said...

Yea!!! Sara, got one of your photos published, you do very good photography, and now a lot of people can see. Good pictures of Getty Gardens and Venice Beach, thank you