Friday, January 16, 2009

Dalek Attack!

For about a year now Clay and I have both had a mild obsession with Doctor Who and Torchwood, that has reached new heights in the past couple of months. Clay decided that he required action figures so he can make up his own stories. Since the first few arrived he's been creating tableaux in the living room every morning and evening.

The Doctor, Jack, and Rose have apparently apprehended the Dalek (the Snapple bottle) that managed to invade the TARDIS earlier this week. The thing behind them is not a stacked up bottle of Advil, wireless adapter and candle, it's the TARDIS console.

As you can see the figures are very detailed and actually look quite a bit like the actors.


Anonymous said...

You guys rock!

Amy said...

Hee Hee! Reminds me of the elaborate houses and scenes I used to build for my Strawberry Shortcake figures out of whatever was handy!

Anonymous said...

Those action figures are awesome! Is he using hi "sonic screwdriver" on them?

Yoda said...

I haven't seen the Sonic Screwdriver much lately, but I was just thinking that we need to put together a photo shoot with it.