Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Everything Is Illuminated
After I finished reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close I decided that I needed to read Jonathan Safran Foer’s first book Everything is Illuminated. For once no one suggested the book; I managed to pick it out all on my own.
Everything Is Illuminated is another about a young man, also named Jonathan Safran Foer, who travels to the
Alex’s letters and chapters are very amusing and his imperfect English is convincing. I enjoyed his evolution over the course of the book. I was less thrilled with Jonathan’s chapters. The story of Trachimbrod was both funny and tragic, but it was also odd and occasionally difficult to follow. I know it was purposefully surreal, but sometimes it was gratuitously so.
In general I liked the book, but it didn’t come close to the brilliance of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I felt like this was Foer’s warm up novel where he worked out the kinks in his technique. Both books have similar themes and a similar style, but I think Foer’s second attempt is more effective. I’m interested in checking out the movie if only because I can’t imagine how it could work.
On a different but related topic, I recently read about a book called 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die by Peter Boxall on LibraryThing. I don’t know that I’ll strive to read them all, but I think the book sound interesting and it could be a good way to find new books to read. Someone on the site has created a handy spreadsheet to check off the books you’ve read and has equations that indicate what percentage that is and how many of them you’d have to read a year to read them all before you die. In case anyone is curious, I’ve read 46 of the books, which is 4.6% and I would have to read an average of 18 a year to read them all before I die. That’s just a bit morbid, isn’t it?
Lists like this must be taken for what they are, someone’s opinion, but I enjoy reading them anyway. I’m interested in looking at the book to see the reasoning behind putting some books on the list. For example, I'm surprised that The Shining is included, but not The Stand, which I think is far superior, not only as far as King’s novels, but also as a book in general. Of course I also would place Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close on the list instead of Everything is Illuminated. Anyway, I’m interested in learning more about the books that I’ve never heard of and I’m always looking for something new to read.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
For She is the Queen of the World

When I was a kid I had a hamster named Possum who looked strikingly similar to this cat toy. I love it, but no matter how hard I tried I could not make Desie interested in it. In desperation I put it on her head hoping to annoy her into playing, but instead she took it in stride and modeled her new hat like the pro that she is.
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
After finishing the His Dark Materials books I asked Clay to recommend a book for me to read. It took a lot of work to get him to suggest something, but he finally gave me a book that his friend Drew had recommended to him and that he hasn’t gotten around to reading. I’m amazed at his ability to dodge the request. The book was Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer and I absolutely loved it.
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is about a nine year old boy named Oskar whose father died on 9/11. When looking through his father’s closet he finds an envelope with the word Black written on the outside and a key in it that does not fit any of the locks in his apartment. So he decides to visit every person with the last name Black in
Oskar is an amazing character; an eccentric nine year old boy who only dresses in white and is a vegan, Stephen Hawking enthusiast, photographer, and inventor among many other things. All of that is balanced with a little boy who is carrying around a lot of pain and guilt about his father’s death. I loved his chapters and the variety of people he met on his quest to find the lock that goes with his key. Foer did a wonderful job of creating the sort of child who has trouble relating to people his own age, but can easily interact with adults.
The chapters in which Oskar’s grandparents describe their lives and relationship are fascinating. His grandfather is mute and communicates by writing and using the Yes and No that he has tattooed on his palms. His chapters are the letters he wrote to the son he never met because he left his wife soon after learning that she was pregnant. The grandmother’s chapters are addressed to Oskar, attempting to explain why she has left. Each section was a portrait of an emotionally damaged person and shows how the baggage from their pasts has dominated and destroyed their relationship.
The peripheral characters were all well drawn and fleshed out. I enjoyed Oskar’s interaction with each and how he seemed to be able to draw each one out and connect with them. I was thrilled when some of them showed up to see him in Hamlet, which made his relationship with the Blacks that he met very real. If he can affect people on that level it doesn’t seem wrong that Mr. Black was willing to join in the search and that the other people he met confided in him as much as they did.
The story is interspersed with photographs and good use is made of color and the placement of words on the page. It has a very livre d’ariste feel that I thought was really cool. The pictures used are beautiful and work well within the story. The close up of an elephant’s eye is truly haunting. The chapter in which the grandfather reveals what happened to him during the bombing is corrected in red ink which is an interesting way to create a detached atmosphere for the story. Still it doesn’t remove the power of learning just how much he has lost in his life.
This is the first book that I have read that deals with September 11 and I was impressed with how well it was used. The book never becomes overly sentimental. Oskar’s attempts to make sense of his father’s death work well as a representation of the country’s collective attempt to come to terms with our loss. I loved that when Oskar finally found out what the key was for it was not the answer and could not explain his father’s death. There is no easy answer, but by the end of the book I felt that he and his mother had at least started a dialog and he will be okay eventually.
I’m not so sure about the end of the grandparent’s story. They certainly turned a similar corner with each admitting that they each knew about Anna’s pregnancy, but I don’t know what I think about leaving them at the airport. Will they stay there? Won’t they eventually need to go home? I suppose if Ruth Black can live on top of the
As I said at the beginning, I loved this book. I had a strong emotional connection with the story. This is now the second book in a row that I have had to put down to keep from bursting into tears on the subway. I think it’s time to try a happy book.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
His Dark Materials
I spent a bit of time today and yesterday reading over reviews and comments about the books because it’s always interesting to see what other people think about books. It’s one of those wonderful conveniences brought to us by the internet. I was just saying to Clay this weekend that while I certainly remember the time before the internet and did not have regular access to it until I went to college, I still have to wonder sometimes what people did before. I often finish reading a book or watching a movie and immediately go online to read more about it.
Anyway, I wanted to see what other people thought of the His Dark Materials books, particularly The Amber Spyglass so I spent some time on LibraryThing, Amazon, and a His Dark Materials message board. The opinions varied wildly, which I expected, The Amber Spyglass is a very love it or hate it sort of book. I think my favorite response was on a LibraryThing thread about books that one would not recommend. Someone actually said that he or she would put the His Dark Materials in the category of “Books that put souls in peril.” Seriously.
There is a tremendous amount of debate about the role of religion in the triology. It seems plain that
Beyond the “Amber Spyglass is crappy” debate, the hottest topic in the His Dark Materials universe seems to be, “Did Lyra and Will have sex?” I don’t really think that it’s particularly important, especially since I read somewhere that
The more time that I spend thinking about these books, the more I like them and the fact that I’ve spent so much time thinking about them is, in my opinion, a huge indicator of the high quality of the books. I’m looking forward to rereading them eventually to look at the story through the lens of knowing how it all ends.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
The Amber Spyglass
I finished The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman last night. I have to thank Amy once again for recommending the series. I really enjoyed all three books and am now a bit sad that I won’t be spending more time hanging out with Lyra and Will. It was not an ending that I expected, but I think it was pretty satisfactory.
Spoilers abound!
Once again I was impressed by
I love that the solution in the end was that essentially the dogma of the church was getting in the way of the necessary action of basically being in right relationship to other people. I did not expect the further solution of Lyra and Will being forced to give each other up to save the dust and allow all the worlds to continue to exist. I was sorry that there is no epilogue, but I suppose it is unnecessary as one can be sure that the dust that is Lyra and Will will be reunited in the end.
All together I very much enjoyed the His Dark Materials trilogy. I felt that
I imagine that I may have more to say about the books in the future as I’m sure I’ll continue to think about them over the next few weeks. Someday Clay will manage to get through them as well and any discussion that we have will likely spawn even more thoughts so there will likely be a follow up to this post in the future.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Our Lady of the Lost and Found
I’ve been unable to post for a few days due to the laziness imposed by a long weekend followed by our internet dying, but I did do one thing this weekend. I spent several hours adding books to my LibraryThing account so roughly half of our library is in now, half of the portion that is not in storage anyway. As soon as we get the internet back I plan to finish adding books. Because I’m proud of all my work I added a widget to the side of this page that shows a random selection of books from my library. My point is that LibraryThing is really cool and everyone should check it out so they can have an awesome widget like mine!
Our Lady of the Lost and Found by Diane Shoemperlen was sort of recommended to me by Amy, who let me borrow her copy. I say sort of because she basically handed it to me and said it was kind of interesting and that she didn’t really like it, but it wasn’t too bad. That’s pretty much how I felt about it.
The book is about a writer who is visited by Mary. Mary tells her that she needs a rest and would like to stay for a week. The two women spend a quiet week together taking, cooking, and shopping. Mary tells of her miracles and appearances, while the writer reflects on her life.
It’s really not as dull as it sounds; it’s just not my sort of thing. I enjoyed the history of Marian visions and miracles, although I constantly felt like the author was taking the supposed miracles too much at face value. I understand that the book works under the assumption that such things are possible, but some of them are so far fetched that it’s just ridiculous. I kept expecting the scene to return with Mary saying, “of course they just made that one up.” There is a lot of discussion of the writer’s process, which I found inspiring. I liked reading about her writing random sentences down just to see if anything might come of them one day.
As I said in the beginning, I didn’t really like the book, but I didn’t particularly dislike it either. I probably won’t be recommending it to friends or reading it again, but it was an interesting read.